Slovo předsedy České flebologické společnosti ČLS JEP
Pro tento rok jsme vyhověli přání koryfeje světové flebologie, maďarského rodáka prof. Zoltána Váradyho, a připojili jsme jeho pověstný Váradyho workshop k naší akci. Poskytujeme pouze čas a prostor, program bude zajištěn panem profesorem a jeho blízkými spolupracovníky. Tomu, kdo nezná curriculum našeho hosta, jen připomínáme, že je otcem moderní mikrochirurgie varixů a tvůrcem tzv. Váradyho instrumentaria. Více na našem webu.
Těšíme se na setkání v listopadu v Praze!
Váš Jaroslav Strejček, předseda ČFLS ČLS JEP
a prof. Dr. Zoltán Várady
Důležité termíny
- Včasná registrace a platba: do 10. října 2023
- Termín pro zaslání abstraktů: do 3. října 2023
Invitation to the 49th Phlebology Days and the 39th Várady Workshop
Dear European Phlebologists,
I would like to greet you very warmly and invite you to this year's 49th Phlebology Days in Prague, organized by the Czech Phlebological Society, which next year will celebrate 60 years since its foundation, 50 years since joining the International Union of Phlebology, and is planning to organize in 2024 a large international congress in cooperation with a number of important international and national phlebological groups and societies. A number of world phlebological leaders have pledged personal patronage for this congress.
For this year, we granted the wish of the coryphea of world phlebology, the Hungarian native Professor Zoltán Várady and we added his famous Várady Workshop to our event. We only provide time and space, the actual program will be provided by Professor Várady and his close associates. For those who do not know the curriculum of our guest, we just remind you that he is the father of modern microsurgery of varicose veins and the creator of the so-called Várady instrumentarium.
We therefore invite you to this thematically rich meeting of phlebologists from many European countries and we look forward to meeting you in November in Prague!
Yours Jaroslav Strejček, President of the Czech Society of Phlebology,
and Prof. Dr. Zoltán Várady
Important dates
- Registration for active participation (abstract submission): until October 3, 2023
- Registration with a reduced registration fee: until October 10, 2023
- Workshop: November 10–11, 2023